Thursday 10 February 2011

Speech Therapy Looms

I've been thinking for a while that the boys' speech is lagging behind a bit. I'm not too worried, they've been a little bit behind hitting most of their milestones but they've always got there in the end.

Just before Christmas I noticed that there was a SALT drop in session at our local Children's Centre. I decided that once the boys were walking I'd go and drop in. Today was that day. Kathryn was lovely and we spent an hour with her while she observed the boys and interacted with them.

They do indeed have a bit of a speech delay, but the words they say are very clear and they have good understanding.

As Joe has had a few perforated eardrums in the past, Kathryn has referred them for hearing tests to make sure all is well with their hearing and we are on the waiting list for a speech therapy playgroup which we should hear about after Easter.

I'm pleased I went and got the ball rolling. Hopefully before too long they'll be talking the hind legs off the donkeys up the lane!

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