Monday 11 April 2011

They are doing that growing up thing again...

I'm not quite sure what happened over the weekend, but my boys seem to have grown up again.

Ok, so they had a haircut on Friday, which always makes them look older. We had Yvonne staying for the weekend which was lovely and of course was an extra adult to pay them attention.

Joe has started saying Thank You, when given something. For a week or two he has been saying "Da" when you give him something, but yesterday in the pub I think he realised what the meaning of Thank you is... As our food arrived, obviously Neil, Yvonne and I said thank you as it was put in front of us. Yvonne asked for some ketchup to go with her meal and when it arrived, Joe was the one who said "Thank you". Since then, he has said thank you at every opportunity, completely un-prompted.

Both boys have said "eye" for bye for a long time. Suddenly over the weekend, David developed it  into "bye bye" Beautifully pronounced.

This afternoon we went to the garden centre to buy a watering can for each of them. I decided to let them walk and hold my hand. They were so good. Didn't pull or try to run off and were so proud to carry their watering cans to the checkout. I asked David if he was going to water Mummy's flowers... he said "yes, pretty"... melted my heart.

We took them swimming yesterday morning. We haven't been going regularly up until the last month... Yesterday they had their armbands on. Unfortunately as we got in the pool the wave machine was going and so they were a little unsettled. Once the waves, and the stupid squirty octopus had done their thing, we got in the pool and had a good old splash around... three of the boys' friends were there... Harry, Emilio and Lukas. All of them had a great splash. I was really proud of the boys for floating on their own, kicking their legs and from going from floating on their tummies to floating on their backs, all by themselves. Clever, clever little boys. I'm so looking forward to our holidays and being able to take them swimming every day.

So, it looks like the babies are gone forever and for now, the toddlers are here.

Love my boys so much. xxx

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