Tuesday 19 October 2010


I've always liked hedgehogs. I remember one day when I was a small girl my dad coming home from work with a brown paper bag full of cherries and a small cardboard box containing a little hedgehog.

Dad worked at Fairford at the time and the little hedgehog had been clipped by a plane either taking off or landing so he'd brought it home with him to recuperate with our tortoise who was named Zip. They lived in the garden together all that summer until one day the hedgehog decided it was time to leave home. So I've always had a soft spot for them.

Now exactly three years ago I was undergoing my first IVF treatment. One morning we had to get up ultra early to leave for the hospital to have my eggs collected. It was about 5.30 in the morning and as we reversed out of the parking space we caught sight of a hedgehog in the lights... that certainly took my mind off what was going to happen that day and reminded me of our pet hedgehog.

One evening last week we heard a noise at the front door. Neil opened the door then closed it again, came into the room and said to me "there's a hedgehog on the doorstep". So I opened the door and there was indeed a hedgehog on the doorstep... he soon toddled off on his way though and we didn't have time to take his photo. We saw him again on Saturday night when we were coming in from a 40th Party he looked a bit small, so we've been leaving out some catfood for him to fatten himself up on before he goes into hibernation... Something has been eating it, but whether it's the hedgehog or cats I don't really know!

So this morning it was a very pleasant surprise to find that the boys were making hedgehogs at Twintastic... brought back some good memories...

I love hedgehogs!

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